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October Currently

I am very excited to link up again with Farley from Oh Boy 4th Grade for her Currently link up.

Here's what's been going on currently in my world:


This song has been helping me feel peaceful and calm in the midst of the crazy storms of life. We all know life can feel overwhelming at times and I definitely need a reminder that its all gonna be OKAY.

It is Well- by Kristen DeMarco


My new blog design! Its still a work in progress 
(but I should be able to reveal the finished product soon!)
Here is a little sneak peak:

Doesn't it look incredible!!!! I am chomping at the bit to do a big blog unveiling, so stay tuned for that :)

 Last week I stumbled upon the blog gabbys classrooms that I thought was so cute, I had to find out how I could get my own custom design. I've been searching for awhile trying to find the right style for my blog and I finally feel like I found one that is a perfect fit!
 I have wanted to upgrade to a custom template for a LONG time, and I'm so happy the day has finally come! Hallelujah and Thank You Jesus! My blog finally has a personality!!! :)

Check out this creative lady 


All about Mercy, our new sponsor child (I'm not going to include a photo, since I want to protect her privacy, but let me tell ya- she is the sweetest, cutest little girl and I'm so excited to start writing her letters!)

For awhile now, my hubs and I have been looking for practical ways to do more to help others and we felt prompted to respond when we saw this simple add:

I have wanted to sponsor a child for such a long time and it was always one of those passing thoughts I had, like "that's such a good idea, I totally need to do that," and then 2 seconds later I'd get distracted and forget. Horrible, I know, but hopefully since I've finally decided to DO something about those positive thoughts, me and my hubby can help make a small difference.


Some gosh darn cold weather please!! Okay don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. I know my relatives in Wisconsin would gladly trade their snowy weather for our 90 degrees everyday, but I would love for the weather to turn and it to finally feel like fall. 
Also, it wouldn't hurt to have AC. Since we don't we are just hoping and praying the heat will drift away and the natural cool weather will make its graceful appearance.


Some ant traps! ASAP!! This is my current pet peeve- Ants…In my house…Invading my living space. AHHH!!
  I think the heat (hence my wish for cooler weather) is driving ants inside our house and it is driving me just a little bit CaahhRAZY!!! Ants are super gross and I am SOO ready for them to go! YUCK!

And A Little Treat

Here's a little Fall Freebie! Hop on over to my TPT store and download yours today! 


Happy Fall Ya'll!

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  1. Hi there! I found you through the Currently link party. Your new blog design looks AMAZING! I checked out her portfolio and I can see why you went with her - she does great work!
    Mrs. Brosseau's Binder

    1. Hi Michelle,

      Thanks so much! I was really excited to find Gabby's Classroom Designs. I think she is doing a fabulous job revamping my blog and I've found she is very reasonably priced. Thanks for checking her out as well :)

  2. Thank you for sharing Kristen's beautiful and inspiring song. I was not familiar with her music before reading your post. For some reason I can't see most of the pictures on your post, but I could see the snapshot of your new blog design. It looks really cute!

    About the ants...have you heard of ant chalk? You can only get it at Asian markets, and it is marked with Asian writing in a small orange, yellow, and black box. You can't get it on the Internet, as American pest control companies are fighting it. However, it works extremely well, and has no odor. You just chalk a line where you see ants, and they start dying immediately. Chalk around the hole where they are entering, and they won't come back that way for months. Hope that helps! Carol's Teaching Garden

  3. Hi Carol,

    Thank you for reading my post. I haven't heard about ant chalk but it sounds like a Godsend! Thankfully we live pretty close to an asian market, so I will have to head over there and pick some up. I'm excited to try it and also excited to watch it work. I am SO tired of ants in our house! :)
    Thank you again for your very helpful tip. I'm gonna try it ASAP!
