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Five for Friday! A Whole Lot a Science and a Little Bit of Classroom Shenanigans!

It's that time again!  I now look forward to Fridays with a new found energy and excitement because I know I get to link up with other bloggers, share what we've been learning and get inspired by other awesome teachers! It is so much fun!!

So thankfully I'm posting this in time to join the link up (sometimes it turns into Five for Fraturday or just a Sunday post)

How funny and cute is this sign? I recently found it while browsing TPT and my students think its awesome! 
It's also a great classroom management tool, whenever kids shout out, I simply point to this sign and call on someone who has a quite hand raised.

We have been totally engrossed by our science projects over the past couple of weeks. 
It took awhile for the experiments to produce results, but after a long waiting period, we finally saw some pretty amazing stuff!

We started this experiment with white bread and nothing was happening, so we decided to try a different approach. 
We added brown organic bread and did the experiment again. 
What do ya know, the second time it worked and Wallah! MOLD!
I used this experiment to talk about health and nutrition. 
Can you believe the white bread still doesn't have any mold on it? After a month???? EWW- That totally freaks me out!

We discussed how white bread has flour that's been bleached and that it also has more sugar than brown bread.

Didn't they do such a great job journaling?

Biographies Galore!

Please excuse the very blurry picture :)
This is our biography bulletin board. Over the course of the year we will be studying the following themes: 
The American Revolution, The Civil War, The American Presidents, Inventors, Famous Women, and Famous African Americans.

I am loving this biography unit! 

Check it out Right Here

These signs are helpful reminders for my students. 

I created this timeline as an example for my students to give them context and help them understand how to create their own.
My hope is that after they create their own timeline, they will have a deeper understanding of the timelines of famous Americans that we study.

If you like my timeline and would like your own template, feel free to pick yourself up a copy over at my TPT store.

Check it out HERE!!!!

Here's what the unit looks like:

Check out our new reading buddies!!! The kiddos and I were SO excited when these little fellas arrived in the mail :)

And lastly, this little guy. I found these really funny goggly eyes in the target dollar section and I just couldn't resist! 

I had to buy them and give our little recycling bin a personality. 
We voted as a class and decided to name him "Peter."
Now whenever the student go to throw something away, I remind them "only paper goes in Peter."
It has already reduced the amount of accidental food spillage (which used to get thrown in the recycling bin instead of the trash can) by about 99%.

Pretty stink in cute and effective!

Well, I think that pretty much wraps things up.

Have a fabulous 3 day weekend!!!
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  1. I love the journals...they did a great job!

  2. I love "peter"! What a fun idea! Surprisingly my kindergartners this year are doing pretty good with recycling, but you just never know! I am also a bit traumatized by the white bread not having mold.... haha ew - but what a fun experiment!!
    I love reading buddies! I have been searching for a Pete the Cat and will probably order online. I really want him!
    Nice to meet you on the link up - I love Five for Fridays too - so fun!

  3. @Kimberly Terral- Thank you! I agree I love how much detail they added! The mold looks very colorful and interesting in their drawings :)

  4. @Alex John- Thank you so much! Ya, the bread was really gross, but its definitely helped me think twice about what I eat (I'm considering not going back to McDonald's since they also use white bread on their burgers). I think out of all the experiments I've done with my class, this one had the students riveted. We had several very amazing discussions that lasted a solid 30 minutes!
    I would highly recommend investing in some fun reading buddies. I think I was able to get Pete the Cat for $10 on Amazon. Totally worth it! And yes, very nice to meet you too! Thanks for reading my post :)

  5. I wanted to let you know that I nominated your blog for the Liebster Award! It is an award for blogs with less than 200 followers with great potential and great content. Click on the link below for more details:

    Liebster Award Nomination

    Living the First Grade Dream

    1. Hi Katie! Thank you so much. Can't wait to participate :)
