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Keepin Things Organized!

Let's Get Organized! Woot Woot!

I just gotta say, I'm so happy to be back in the school routine and in the blogosphere again- It feels absolutely AMAZING!

So recently, my school did a major clean up/restoration project to our main storage area.
We share our school facility with a church so the building we use is a shared space.
(The church wanted to turn our huge storage room into a new room for game/worship nights)

We were asked to go through all of our stuff that was in storage and clean out what we weren't using. We then organized what we wanted to keep and moved it to a smaller area.

I don't have any 'before' pics but you can take my word for it- the before was way different than the end result!
To sum it up, by the end of the work day, we had filled a dumpster with broken/unusable things and had a huge pile of giveaway items that strangers were happily accepting.
AND our finished product looked a little like this :)

It may still look messy to you, but trust me this is a HUGE improvement and I'm happy to report it is so easy to find things now- Hallelujah!

Here is my little area. I've organized each month/theme into colored bins. I don't know why that helps, but I just feel happier knowing my FALL stuff is ORANGE, CHRISTMAS stuff is RED&GREEN, VALENTINES is PINK~ I think you get the picture, and I know it doesn't really matter, but it makes me happy (color coordinated organization really gets me excited and makes me feel energized! Just one of my quirks)

After this awesome revamp, it got me thinking… I realized I could share some other ways I've discovered that have helped me stay organize and I'd love to hear what you do to keep all of your materials/lesson plans/units organized.

Here's a little look into what I've found works best for me:

   I've got a binder for each month of school as well as the main subjects I teach (math, science, social studies, reading workshop, poetry etc.)

This is where I store all my binders in my classroom as well as the books I set aside to use with each unit. 

 Here's a closer look at each binder:

I discovered about 3 years ago that the binder system was what worked best for me.

I found the themed binder covers on TPT and you wanna know the best part??
They are completely FREE!!! That's right, they don't cost a dime :)

Thanks to Brooke Hilderbrand over at
Once Upon A First Grade Adventure you can download them for free right here 

So I'd love to hear from you- 
How do you stay organized?
What's your secret system? 

Let's share/steal/borrow ideas!


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