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November Currently

So, all I have to say about posting this currently so late in the game is that it's been a VERY busy 2 weeks (to say the least)!

Well, better late than never don't ya think? :)

So here we go- I'm linking up again with Farley from
Oh Boy 4th Grade to share my November currently.


*This one's a bit personal, but it's really what I'm listening to*
To Joyce Meyer on Youtube. I have to admit, I never considered listening to her until recently, and honestly I don't know what took me so long! I was so challenged and genuinely encouraged to grow and change just from listening to this inspiring woman. 

This particular video was especially convicting:
I think the topic "defeating bad moods" is particularly relevant. 
I used to be a really moody and I thought it was justified, but lately I've started to rethink that concept. This is definitely something I don't want to be characterized by and after watching this, I realized this is something that can change. What a relief!


November Artwork!

 It's been fun getting ready for Thanksgiving with my students. We have been talking about what we are thankful for and let me tell you, I was very thankful for THIS freebie on TPT. Aren't these little turkeys adorable?
I thought this was the perfect template!

Our school's art teacher created these crafts with our 2nd/3rd grade class and 4th/5th grade class.
Aren't they amazing!

All about Thanksgiving!!
Seriously its getting so close and I can almost taste all that scrumptious comfort food!

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday pretty much because I'm a Major foodie and I can't get enough quality time with my fam. I love that this holiday is all about food and family and I am so excited to celebrate it again in just a few short weeks.

This year, we get to celebrate with even more family and will be traveling to Ohio to celebrate my cousin's wedding and Thanksgiving (all in one amazing week). 

I hear there might be snow :)

Which leads me to what I'm now Wanting:

I'm thinking since I will be traveling to the land of perpetual winter, it might be a good idea to invest in some cute ankle boots :) I may have a shoe obsession, but I think this purchase might be justifiable.


A Vacation- and I'm so happy to say I will be taking one Thanksgiving week! I am beyond excited to see all my cousins and celebrate with them all!


This is one of my all time favorite turkey/Thanksgiving books. Its super cute and funny. I'm looking forward to reading this to my students next week!
You can pick up your copy HERE

With one more week of school (we get Thanksgiving week off! woohoo) I'm am gearing up for our final week before we are on break. I am very thankful for that :)

Have a wonderful weekend!

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  1. Oh my! Those owls are so cute! And those boots! (I will pretend I didn't see them. Or I will have to buy some.) :)

  2. I also love the owls… the 3-demensional feathers… so cute! I will have to check out A Plump and Perky Turkey.. it sounds perfect for my class! :)
