I'm super excited to be joining the blogging community again and linking up for Five for Friday!
Well, what a week! Its been a blast getting ready for Thanksgiving.
Check out all the fun we've had!
Indian Corn and Pilgrim Quilt crafts:
These are both from Kristen Smith's Thanksgiving Unit.
We loved learning all about Wampanoag Indians and Pilgrims this month. I thought these crafts would be a great way to wrap up our unit. I'm absolutely LOVING all of this color!
Persuasive Writing Activitiy:
No Turkey for Thanksgiving!
I already shared this on my Wordless Wednesday post, but I just had to sneak it in one more time and shout out another big THANK YOU to The Applicious Teacher.
I was the lucky winner of this unit last week and it seriously couldn't have come at a better time!
Another activity I managed to squeeze in this week (and when I say squeeze I mean wrapped it up with only 20 minutes before school was over!) was making, tasting and graphing all about crockpot pumpkin bread.
So we started the baking process yesterday around 11:30am. The kids helped me mix in the ingredients and put all that spicy pumpkin deliciousness into the crockpot. And ALAS 3pm rolled around and we still were looking at a brown pile of goop. Not golden brown bread which we were hoping we would find.
*Teacher Confession*
After the kiddos went home, I stuck the pumpkin bread in our school's oven for about 20 minutes and what do ya know? We finally had bread! So we had to wait until this morning to eat it.
Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but we had a special school event which made squeezing in any routine classroom activities a challenge.
So here were the results. Overall, I think we got a pretty positive response :)
I thought it would be fun to send my students off for Thanksgiving break with a little something.
I made these tags and tied them to bags with pumpkin play dough.
And then, I thought it might be fun to also use the gift tags to show my coworkers some love. I gotta say, I seriously have the best coworkers. I can't emphasize how grateful I am to work with amazing teachers and friends! They inspire me.
So this was just a fun little way to let them know.
If you like my tags you can download them for FREE. Click HERE!!!!
And finally, one of the highlights of our school year… Our school's Thanksgiving Feast.
Every year my entire school (K-12) gathers together to take time to share a feast and share in our thankfulness for the community that we are apart of.
This is the only school I know of that does this, but I've got to say I think this tradition is one of the things that makes my school such a special place.
Take a look:
We have two long tables that seat all the students and staff. We also pair young students with older students, so the little guys have a "buddy" to help them get their food, carry it back to the table and help them with anything they need.
I always love watching my kindergarten/first graders interact with high schoolers. The older students are always so helpful and seem to love getting to interact with the little guys, I mean after all how can you not be charmed by those little smiles- Ta Die For!
Am I right?
And lastly I'd like to leave you with this fun one:
One of my kiddos came to school dressed like a pilgrim (they could dress up for our feast) and we realized we looked a little bit like twins. Too cute!