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February Currently

I'm excited to link up again with Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade 
to share my February currently.

Here's what I've been thinking about/loving this month:

To the song: Meant To Be by JJ Heller

I just discovered this song yesterday and I gotta warn ya- it's very catchy but I absolutely LOVE the sweet sentiment and it really reminds me of my hubby (cue sigh-awww)

My new couch! We decided to take the plunge this weekend and upgrade to a larger couch so my whole family/all our friends could come over and sit comfortably 
(now no one needs to chill on the floor)

Check out the before and after shots. 
~WARNING~ the pics are super blurry (sorry) but I think you'll get the general idea.


Seriously this couch is SO comfy, I want to actually spend a night sleeping on it! It's AHHMAZING!

All about our upcoming science unit.
We will be hatching chicks in our classroom.

I've always wanted to do this, but I had no idea where to start. 
I finally have some help and several teacher friends who have done it before and can give me advice and support. 
The other aspect to this whole chick hatching project that always felt a little daunting was the funding. It's gonna cost a pretty penny to purchase all the necessary materials.
Well the exciting news is my chick fund is almost fully funded!
I had some very generous parents make donations to help us out. I am so touched and grateful for their generosity. It just warms my heart!
We will be starting this unit next month- 
So Excited!

To eat sugar. I've been fasting from sugar and alcohol (mostly trying to cleanse) and it's finally coming to an end on Valentines!!

A massage. After starting yoga 2 weeks ago, I had several muscles that were not used to being stretched and used wake up and start aching- needless to say I would definitely love a massage to work out all the knots. 

*Pagent Title*
I'm going to give myself the title 
Miss Bright&Bubbly

I'm just feeling so excited for our Valentines party and our 100th day of school celebration I'm bubbling over with joy and anticipation.

Wishing you a sweet Valentines week everyone!

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  1. Your new couch looks awesome! Your blog is super cute. I am sure the chick hatching/raising is a bit of a headache but so worth it! The kids will always remember it. Have a great rest of your week : )

  2. Love your blog! We have an L-shape sectional too, and it is the best! Happy Valentine's Day!

  3. LOVE the couch! And chicks in the classroom...you sound like a fun teacher!! Happy Valentine's Day. I hope you're eating lots of sugary goodies!

  4. I completely under planned the 100th Day of School this year. I was out the day before Valentine's, and was busy before that planning that celebration. Now we are going to have at least one snow day, so I think I am going to keep it low key this year. I'm going to hide 100 Hershey's Kisses (numbered) and do a few activities in the afternoon.

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    If You Give a Teacher a Treat
