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Finally Back and Hitting the Ground Running!

Well after a much long (and very good) break I'm back and excited to share with you what's been going on in my world as of late. 

The holidays were very busy and full of great food, family time and of course lots of traveling.

Here's a tiny recap of our winter escapades (please excuse the personal side note, I'll get to the school stuff in a quick minute).

I had a blast enjoying family time with my sisters!

And another highlight was going to a Packer game at Lambaeu (it was so amazing! and definitely a bucket list item)
I'm so sad they lost yesterday, but these pics bring back happy memories so I'm gonna focus on that instead of the very painful game we just suffered through!


We actually got a picture with this guy! Pretty silly, but he is kind of a celebrity since he is at every Packer game.

The other highlight was learning how to make jam. It's actually not very hard, just time consuming and it tastes so delish, that it's so worth the time! I feel very accomplished now.  

Okay- now on to school stuff

 We kicked off our new year with setting goals and resolutions. 

I found this awesome FREEBIE on TPT and it turned out to be a great guideline for helping the students set goals in different areas.

It's hard to read but here's what is says under each of the numbers:

2: I have two new goals for the year
0: Something I want to stop doing
                                           1: 1 thing I would like to get better at
                                           5: 5 books I would like to read

 We talked about goals we could set to help our bodies, brains and hearts grow this year.
I think they came up with some pretty great goals!

Some of the goals I read that were my favorite were: drink more water, be nicer to their siblings, learning their math facts and getting better at spelling. These were just a few and it inspired me to make some of my own resolutions.

My Resolutions:
I've decided this year I am resolving to be present in each moment and strive to be gracious to all people I encounter. I'm also resolving to be content and grateful.

I know that's quite a bit and I may be biting off more than I can chew, but I'm just gonna take it one day at a time. 

So what are your resolutions this year?

I'd love to hear them (or in this case read them) :)
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  1. Love your kiddos resolutions and yours too. So much we're drawn into phones and social media instead of being present in a moment. You are a brave soul for taking on your resolution! I did the resolutions with my kiddos last year and had them just come up with one good one for this year. Glad your back to blogging!

  2. Thanks Martinique. I am trying something new this year. I usually stay away from resolutions since I don't always accomplish them, but I'm feeling optimistic :) we shall see
