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Terrible Tuesday/Wonderful Wednesday

Well, what can I say? I guess it has been one of those weeks. Yesterday was especially hard…. Some days are better than others :/
I knew I would need a little extra energy (and patience) this morning, so I decided to take the plunge and try out a new juicing recipe.

Friends have recommended juicing for the past 2 years but I was never brave enough to move from solid food to liquid.
What can I say?? I get hungry a lot, I mean A LOT! And I LOVE food, so its not something I have been willing to part with easily. But for now, I finally decided to break down and try this whole juicing thing purely because it is supposed to give me "more energy".

The Concensus: Not bad actually! AND I did have more energy! HA! Who knew all those crazy health nuts were right?? I will be trying more recipes.
I'll let you know how it goes :)

On a happier note, I have to say I've got some AMAZING co-workers! They knew that yesterday was a challenge and when I came into my classroom this morning (after getting coffee from the staff room) look what was waiting for me:

So the coffee cup is mine, but how sweet was it for my fellow teaching buddies to bless me with liquid love???? I was completely overwhelmed and of course it automatically turned today into an AMAZING DAY!

Gotta love it! That is usually how things work, very hard day followed by great day where friends are awesome and the students are angels! I think that's what makes the job worth it. Thank God for the balance of stress with calm. It would be much harder if every day was a struggle. I'm so thankful those days are rare. 

And just to add a little educational plug into this post, my favorite find of the day: Abby Mullens over at The Inspired Apple just posted the most AMAZING freebie.

For a Christian school teacher, this was a Godsend!

Say hello to our September memory verse! And it totally fits into our apple theme! Woohoo and Thank ya Jesus!

Well that's a wrap folks.

I hope you had a wonderful Wednesday! 

Be sure to check back in for my Five for Friday.

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