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Life Updates..What I'm grateful for

Well I'm sure if anyone is reading this blog they wondered why I hadn't posted anything since last March. Yes, part of that is because the year got busy, but there is a much larger part that I have chosen not to blog about until now, mostly because its been hard to talk about.

I think if I'm going to keep up with blogging and make it a weekly habit, then I need to be able to share not just about school stuff but also about life stuff...and well lately the life stuff has been a bit overwhelming.

I'm sure you can relate :)

So to sum up what's been going on in my life, my family and I have been supporting my aunt and her family both emotionally and practically (babysitting, helping with meals, driving etc.) since last January when we learned that she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. 

It was a very scary diagnosis and it shocked all of us! (we didn't even know she was sick until she went to the doctor). 

I won't go into much more detail other than to say, we are standing together and fighting this thing as a team.

There are a lot of ups and downs and this journey is one that has to be taken day by day.  My aunt is one of the strongest most amazing people I know. Although it's impossible to know why these things happen, I think it makes us all realize how incredibly grateful we are for our loved ones and how precious our time together really is. 

Family is a gift, one that can be taken for granted, or cherished depending on how you treat them. 

Be sure to give your loved ones a big hug and tell them what you appreciate about them most! In the grand scheme of things, we can never say I love you too much.

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